Products from "INSPICE" and "Nakano Lacquerware" will be on sale at the Nekosapo Shop.

Yamato Transport's Nekosapo Station provides support to make the lives of local residents more comfortable by providing cleaning, supervision, furniture moving, rental space, etc. The Nekosapo Shop inside the station sells delightful products that will enrich your life. 

Starting today, Tuesday, December 3rd , products from `` INSPICE '' and ``Nakano Lacquerware'', which have stalls at JAC , will be on sale at the Nekosapo Shop at Nekosapo Station Machida Kiso.

If you're in the area, please come and visit us to experience the real atmosphere of our products, which you can't get just by looking at the internet. 

For information on Nekosapo Shop Machida Kiso, click here

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